A New Friend for Alex

In which I share another short story, the product of a creative writing session with Leeya.

A New Friend For Alex

Written by Melissa

Illustrated by Melissa and Leeya

Once upon a time there was a girl named Alex.  Alex was seven years old and lived in America wither her mother, father, older brother named Benny, and younger sister named Grace.  Alex liked to use her imagination to tell stories and play games.  Sometimes she pretended that fairies lived on tree branches and came out to dance at night.  Sometimes she believed her own stories, and one time she broke her arm trying to climb up a tree!  After this happened her parents started to worry.  Benny, her older brother, thougtht she was crazy.  Grace, the baby, thought Alex was funny but was too young to understand her stories.  So, Alex played by herself.  However, her imagination was so big that she never got lonely.

One day Alex was walking to the post office with Benny to send some birthday presents to their friend in Shanghai.  Alex was imagining that the package she was carrying was an exotic animal, that she was a famous scientist carrying the animal to the zoo.  Benny, who thought himself too old for that sort of game, ignored her.

“Everyone will be so excited to study this new kind of dragon!”  said Alex excitedly.

“Really?  What kind is it?  Can I get a closer look?” said a voice behind them.

Benny and Alex both quickly turned around.  What they saw made Alex smile and Benny scream and fall down.  Standing on the road was a creature that was not human and not an animal.  He had purple skin, a large head and eyes, and short legs and arms.

“What are you?  You can’t be real!” said Benny.

“Nice to meet you!  (Don’t be rude, Benny!)” said Alex.  She did not even realize that this creature was not in her imagination.

“My name is Blob.  I’m from outer space.  I want to learn all about Planet Earth.  I am a scientist!” said the alien named Blob.

“I’m a scientist too!” said Alex.

“No you’re not!  You’re both crazy!” said Benny.

“Come to my spaceship and see my discoveries!” said Blob.  “You can both tell me all about Earth!”

“Don’t hurt me!” said Benny.

“We would love to come.” said Alex.  “We can explore the universe together!”


~ To Be Continued(?) ~

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